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Friday, May 10 • 11:30am - 12:15pm
I Hear You: Moving Beyond Empathy in UXR

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User research literature widely assumes that researchers should build empathy for their users, and that this will enable companies to design better experiences. Businesses point to UX research as the empathy in their company ethos. But when we talk about empathy in a business context, what do we really mean? Is it reasonable to expect researchers to empathize with every person they interview? Is it even productive?

In this presentation, I will discuss why empathy is not what drives business and makes researchers good advocates for our users. We will first look at the literal and theoretical definitions of empathy in user experience research, then draw from that definition what businesses are ultimately in search of—rightly or wrongly—when they bring UX research into the process. We will talk about how it may not only be impossible to achieve true empathy, but also that “being empathetic” may not make researchers better advocates for the user. I will argue that we should reframe our goal as compassion, an action-driven, thoughtful, and achievable north star that leverages core researcher talents and better communicates user needs.

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Megan Campos

Dir. User & Experience Insights, Fidelity Investments

Friday May 10, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm EDT
Back Bay A/B